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  • Enter your username and password.

  • Click on Edit my portfolio.

  • Update physical information

  • Contact information

  • Photos 
    Click on BROWSE and find saved Image


Image 1 - Smiling head and shoulders only

Image 2 - Full length (that shows your build/size)

If you forgot your username and password, we can email it to you. It may come from so make sure you check your spam folder. 

Rule of thumb for updating photos: (As long as the hairstyle hasn't changed) Infants - 3 months, Children - 6 months, Adults yearly


Keep providing us with great photos!!!  Our office gets a notification whenever anyone updates their information.

Please use the example above when deciding the type of photos to upload. You don't need to spend a lot of money. With the right background and lighting (outside) you can get a fairly professional photo with an Iphone, Ipad or Digital Camera or Smart phone. Good backgrounds are Barnwood grey or red, steel, some stone or brick, water and greenery. Solid color shirt and jeans with clothes to layer for different looks. Gap or Lands End look works great!

How to Update

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